Redeploy Advances its AI Capabilities with a Dedicated GenAI Team



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January 31, 2024

Redeploy has been in contact with AI in some form since its inception in 2015, building infrastructure to support machine learning and mathematical models and make companies more data-driven. We believe successful (Gen) AI initiatives require cloud computing, a thorough understanding of data and how to structure, manage, and transform it, and a clear connection to the overarching company strategy. Something we are well positioned to deliver within the Redeploy Group.

With the recent launch of Redeploy Vision and our strategic collaboration with Reinsight, we combine years of experience in cloud, data, and AI to create a core competency in generative AI. Leading this effort is Luis Lyberg, co-founder of Reinsight and a cloud & AI advisory veteran.  

– We are proud to be among the select few companies capable of delivering end-to-end AI solutions, covering the entire spectrum from strategy to operations across both Azure and AWS platforms, asserts Luis.

Luis Lyberg is leading Redeploy's GenAI initiative

Luis is joined by a team of cloud, data, and AI specialists, including Jonas Hydén, Mikael Hermansson, and Cong Peng. Collectively, they enhance the competence and ensure the seamless delivery of AI solutions across Redeploy Group's four business areas:

Redeploy Group is committed to delivering secure, compliant, and efficient GenAI solutions. Therefore, we specialize in our Enterprise Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) architecture, ensuring accuracy, reliability, security, scalability and adaptability at every step. RAG is a technique used in Artificial Intelligence (AI) to improve the output of a large language model by referencing information outside of its training data sources before generating a response.  

RAG can address many use cases, from intelligent conversational assistants that can answer questions, generate contents, to integrate external systems by utilizing Large Language Models (LLMs), data and information sources and APIs.

– It gives more control over the grounding data, which can reduce the unpredictability and bias, and increase confidence and robustness by adding AI Guardrails framework. It also enables LLMs to use specific domains or organizational knowledge without retraining the model, adds Luis.

Ready to get started with your AI adoption? Redeploy Vision can forge your strategy blueprint. Contact Jonas Hydén, Head of Vision:

We are committed to strengthening our core competence and actively recruiting AI strategy consultants and engineers. Are you interested, check out:

For more information about our GenAI Initiatives, contact Luis Lyberg:

Written by

Christoffer Persson